Meet Autumn
Certified HypnoBirthing Educator & Birth Doula
My career in maternity & birth started with my love and expertise in maternity & newborn photography. My journey to birth work, however, began with my third baby. I studied HypnoBirthing to prepare for my homebirth, and my experience was so amazing and lifechanging that I became a certified HypnoBirthing Educator and Birth Doula.
Maternity, labor and birth are such deep rooted passions for me. More then anything, I believe in God's perfect design to birth our babies. I believe that birth is not a medical event for healthy mothers/babies. I believe EVERY birthing women deserves to feel empowered by her choices and her body during her birth. I believe in autonomy, in instinctive births and that the most important and powerful tool a women can have in her birth is SUPPORT & KNOWLEDGE.

"If you are an anxious mess like I was, I definitely recommend Autumn as a doula! She was kind, calm, and supportive during my birth and made an excellent addition to my birth team"
- Jessica W.
"I highly recommend HypnoBirthing class! It helped me so much and Autumn is amazing at teaching it"
- Cora G.
"I swear HypnoBirthing saved my life during labor with my first child! I don’t know how anyone makes it through without those skills"
"Autumn is fantastic!!! Soo incredibly supportive!! I highly recommend her as a doula, especially with her HypnoBirthing knowledge"
- Justine M.
Let's Doula This!
The Inspiration Station